Maō (魔王, lit. The Devil), is a Japanese remake of the Korean suspense drama series titled Ma Wang (마왕) which aired on KBS 2TV in 2007. The drama stars Satoshi Ohno of Arashi and Toma Ikuta, both under the talent agency Johnny & Associates.
Ryo Naruse (Satoshi Ohno) is a two-faced lawyer: on the surface, he is a kind-hearted soul, representing the poor and earning the nickname “The Angel Lawyer” from the press; but unbeknownst to anyone else, he is also a “devil,” meticulously plotting the perfect revenge against those responsible for his younger brother’s death. Naoto Serizawa (Toma Ikuta) is a gung-ho detective whose overzealous methods mask a dark past which he is trying to overcome. When a family acquaintance of Serizawa’s is murdered, Serizawa is thrust in the middle of a multiple-homicide case which stirs up memories of a dark event from his past.
The theme song for this series is “Truth” by Arashi, a popular Japanese boy band which Satoshi Ohno is the leader of. In a preview of …
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